Our responsibility according to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) regulates corporate responsibility for compliance with human rights in global supply chains. This includes, for example, protection against child labour and the right to fair wages, but also environmental protection. Since 1 January 2024, this law has also applied to Knauf Interfer SE and therefore also to all
subsidiaries in Germany and abroad.
The protected legal positions
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) formulates 13 protected legal positions that have to be taken into account by the obligated companies in the risk analysis. This applies both in their own business area and within the supply chain. These are divided into "human rights" and "environmental rights".
The aim is to prevent human rights or environmental risks, minimise them or put an end to the violation of these obligations. To this end, the obligated companies must identify, weight and, if necessary, prioritise the risks from both areas.
Would you like to report an incident?
Here is the link to the
... reporting system
Policy statement on the
Human Rights Strategy
of the Knauf Interfer Group
Our task as a company
1. Policy statement on the human rights strategy
- Formulation of a policy statement on the human rights strategy
- Submission of the declaration of principles by the company management
2. Internal company responsibilities
- Development of a two-tier system of responsibilities
- Designation of responsibilities for the operational implementation of due diligence obligations
- Appointment of a human rights officer for internal monitoring of due diligence obligations
3. Risk management / risk analysis
- Anchoring a risk management system in the relevant business processes
- Carrying out abstract and concrete risk analyses
- Identification, weighting and prioritisation of risks
- Risk monitoring
4. Complaints procedure
- Publication of a functioning complaints mechanism
- Accessibility for internal and external stakeholders
5. Preventive measures
- Annual and ad hoc review of the effectiveness of prevention measures
- Implementation of human rights strategy in the relevant business processes
- Development and implementation of suitable procurement strategies and purchasing practices
- Carrying out training courses in the relevant business areas
- Implementation of risk-based control measures
- Anchoring prevention measures in business relationships with direct suppliers
6. Remedial measures
- Immediate termination of breaches of due diligence in own business area
- Concept for ending or minimising breaches of due diligence obligations by direct business partners
- Termination of the business relationship as a last resort
- Annual and ad hoc review of the effectiveness of the remedial measures
7. Annual report
- Free publication of an annual report on the fulfilment of due diligence obligations
- Internal documentation on the fulfilment of due diligence obligations
Complaints procedure
All employees, business partners or other stakeholders of Knauf Interfer SE are called upon to report possible violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) via the reporting portal. All reports can be submitted anonymously and confidentially. Upon receipt, your report will be carefully scrutinised. If the suspicion of a violation is confirmed, Knauf Interfer SE will open a case and initiate appropriate measures. The current status of your report can be viewed at any time via the complaints portal..