Industry Solutions
Steel and aluminium are universal materials for industry. We make sure that their material properties are precisely tailored to the respective industry and application. Light and resistant alloys and further processing enable more powerful machines, more efficient energy production and products that are aesthetically and functionally convincing. With their excellent recyclability, steel and aluminium are also among the most sustainable and environmentally friendly materials, suitable for countless applications. Our portfolio of products and solutions for industry is correspondingly large.
Technical customer service - Optimal for your process
We support our customers in the selection of the material with regard to the intended use and the specific processing. Purchasing, logistics and processing can be optimised through the choice of steel grade and surface. Higher strengths allow lower thicknesses and weights of the workpieces, alternative surface treatments offer better corrosion protection, for example. Benefit from our high material, machining and process competence.
Technical application advice - The best material in the desired form
Technical application consulting offers a holistic view of process optimisation and cost reduction. Especially our wound rings from one to five tons or our small coils of 150 kg simplify the production of our customers. Another example are our oscillated wound rings from the cold rolling sector, which reduce set-up times accordingly with the multiple length of the material on a coil.
Supply Chain – Just in time, just in sequence
We make sure that exactly the right material is in the right place at all times. With comprehensive warehousing and efficient logistics, we can guarantee maximum availability. Thanks to our decentralised company structure, you benefit from short distances and contacts in your vicinity. We see ourselves as part of your supply chain and work around the clock to make it as efficient as possible. Within the scope of outsourcing, you can outsource the procurement and disposition process to us partially or completely, depending on your own capacity. Profit from our consignment warehouse.
Digitisation - Digital into the future
With a view to the future requirements of our customers and suppliers, we are creating a technological platform as a basis for supporting logistics, production and sales through integrated application software. Last but not least, our digitisation strategy aims to optimise daily working life and our relationship with business partners.
We are certified
An overview of all locations of the Knauf Interfer Group which are certified according to the stringent automotive standard here.
Contact details
Contact person for aluminium
Key Account Manager
Sebastian Nierhaus
Phone +49 2938 808-128
Contact person for steel
Plant Manager
John Verberne
Phone +31 40 844-4582